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Hannah’s Breakthrough

(Read 1 Samuel chapter 1)

Hannah had no children. In biblical days women who had children were considered extremely blessed.

They truly believed Psalm 127:3 that Children are a heritage of the Lord. The fruit of the womb is His reward. The word heritage means inheritance. An inheritance is something essential, important, valuable and that adds to one’s life. As you read about Samuel’s birth consider:

  1. What was your childhood like?

  2. Did you feel like you were more of a blessing or a burden to those who raised you? Why?

  3. Can you name three reasons you felt the way you felt?

  4. Have your childhood experiences shaped you for better or for worse? How?

  5. List the ways that your childhood experiences have shaped you for better.

  6. List the ways your childhood has shaped you in ways you feel need to be changed.


Food for thought:

God wants you to know that you were a blessing whether you think you were or not. Parents are not always as mature as they should be. Sometimes children are born into families that simply don’t know how to value them, but that doesn’t mean you were not of value. Also, often the cares of life, parental stress, trying to cope with their adult problems, family problems and such like can cause parents not to respond to their children as favorably as they should. How your parents responded to you could make you feel confident or insecure. Parents are human beings, too. I’m not trying to make excuses for those who raised you or for how you were raised but only to help you have another perspective. Maybe you don’t need another perspective because you feel your childhood was very good...

  1. But If you could change anything about your childhood what would it be?

  2. And what things would you not change?

  3. Do you think you would want to do anything differently for your children? If so, what would you do differently?

  4. If you are currently raising children are you doing things differently or the same as when you were raised?

  5. If you have already raised children what did you end up doing the same or different than when you were raised?.

Take a moment as you think about these things and talk to God about things you may have encountered in your life and how they are affecting you today.

God really does care about every aspect of your life. He cares how one area may be affecting another and promises to heal you from all that may be hindering you from moving forward or causing barriers to your progress.

Now think about Samuel’s parents Hannah and Elkanah. Hannah was in pain before Samuel was born. She was misunderstood by the priest. Her husband tried to fix what only God could fix. Hannah was frustrated and bitter. Have you ever been bitter? Did bitterness cause you to act in ways you are not proud of? How did you act? What did you do? You don’t have to be bitter. Talk to God about any bitterness you are experiencing. Ask him to help you to let it go so you can grow, and glow and go for Jesus.

1 Peter 5:7-9 says, Casting all your cares upon him for he careth for you. Do that now. Cast or throw all your concerns on the Lord in prayer because he cares for you.
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