Neighborhood bullies (Interactive devotion)
Warning: You will have to praise him. Excuse yourself.bullies (Interactive devotion).
Josh, James, and Jayden are the neighborhood bullies.
They broke Mr. Crandon’s window with a football and never owned up to it. At school they snatched a first grader’s lunch box and ate her lunch while she cried. Today after school they plan to fight your child. Word on the street is they will hide behind bushes and ambush your child on the way home from school. Your third grader will be outnumbered three to one by sixth graders. Your child hears about the plan of these bullies. He doesn’t keep this to himself. He calls you immediately. “Mom, Dad three boys are planning to jump me after school.” He doesn’t’ have to go any further. Your protective antennae are already in motion. Your response might sound something like this: What? Who are they? Where are you? Don’t leave the building. Go straight to the Principal’s office and stay there til I get there. I’m on my way.”
I don’t think it would even be a question of what you as a responsible parent would do. You will take care of the matter. You would be on your way to the school while calling the principal and maybe even the police. But either way you’re going to deliver your child from the hand of these bullies. It’s not even his/her battle. You’ve got this. You will take it from here. Your child will not even have to fight in this battle. This battle is yours as your child’s protector and parent.
The fact that your child could even call you speaks volumes. It is a display of your child’s confidence in your presence in his life and in your ability and willingness to save him. It says that he believes in your power, might and wisdom to deliver him in this situation. You are his safe place. And there is none who will be more concerned about him than you.
That’s the situation between God and Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20.
Three enemy nations came to fight King Jehoshaphat. He called on the Lord his God.
He reminded God of how great he is and that he had no where else to turn.
God sent him a Word not to worry about it, not to be afraid. That he would take care of it. There was going to be no fight. God would handle this. Don’t worry, says the Lord, I will be there and I will take care of it. And that’s exactly what God did. He took care of Jeshoshaphat’s enemies. He caused them to be confused and they started destroying each other.
What situation have you been in or are you in right now that scares you; worries you? Who or what is bullying you; making you feel intimidated? Right now turn in your bible to Chronicles 20 and begin to talk to God the way Jehoshaphat did. Begin by telling him just how great he is. (That’s what your child said to you without saying it). Read out loud Jehoshaphat’s prayer, but take your time and read it to God. Now read it a second time,
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but this time personalize it. Emphasize what the Holy Spirit leads you to emphasize. Let the Holy Spirit lead you in praying.
Speak over yourself the words God spoke to Jehoshaphat from verses15-17 but personalize them. Say, “Listen” and call your own name. Tell yourself, “ Don’t be afraid neither dismayed because of {name your situation}, for the Battle is not mine, but God’s.
Now ask God for a strategy concerning your situation and how you should respond. Now speak verse 17 aloud to yourself saying, Ye {call your name}have no need to fight in this battle: set yourself (stomp your foot right here), stand still (get in a position of a soldier at attention, square your shoulders), and see the salvation of the Lord(put your hand over your eyebrows as if you are looking for something. You are. You are the looking for the salvation of God. Oh {call your name}: don’t be afraid. Tomorrow, this morning (or whenever you have to face this situation). The LORD will be with you!!!
Now start singing. It could be a Christian song you know or one he gives you for this moment. You are interacting with the Holy Spirit. He is alive and with you. He will give you a song. Ask him for one and don’t quench him or cut him off. Sing what he gives you no matter how you sound. Clap your hands in praises to him. Get up and dance before the Lord no matter what it looks like or if you are seated just move your feet as if you are dancing. Now open your mouth and say, “Praise the Lord. For his mercy endureth forever.”
Repeat this or parts of this as the Lord leads you. Come out of character if you have to because your victory is here!!
Choose Worship Over worry!
Choose Faith over fear!
Choose to Breakthrough not breakdown!